'Aabaar Byomkesh' has hit the screens. It is director Anjan Dutt's second film based on the crime-series penned by the late Saradindu Bandyopadhyay, which has Byomkesh Bakshi as the detective, Ajit as his assistant who pens the mysteries once they are solved, and Satyabati as Byomkesh's wife. These three roles are naturally reprised by Aabir Chatterjee, Saswata Chatterjee and Ushasie Chakraborty respectively. However, the director has repeated other members from the cast of his earlier film as well, in different characters though (they are Biswajit Chakraborty, Arindol Bagchi, Chandan Sen, Pijush and Swastika).
Also in the cast are Debranjan Nag, Sudipa Bose, Sujan Mukherjee, Kunal Padhy and Kaushik Sen. The film is based on the story called 'Chirtrachor', and it is set in the idyllic locale of North Bengal. The story offers not only an intriguing mystery but also explores the dynamics of man-woman relationship, which is never to be found in many of the other books in the whodunit series. Bangla cinema has always been enriched by the detective heroes as have been Bangla literature, and the trend of transcreating the age-old crime thrillers continues - though, unlike the Feluda series, Byomkesh has a mature appeal only.
Also in the cast are Debranjan Nag, Sudipa Bose, Sujan Mukherjee, Kunal Padhy and Kaushik Sen. The film is based on the story called 'Chirtrachor', and it is set in the idyllic locale of North Bengal. The story offers not only an intriguing mystery but also explores the dynamics of man-woman relationship, which is never to be found in many of the other books in the whodunit series. Bangla cinema has always been enriched by the detective heroes as have been Bangla literature, and the trend of transcreating the age-old crime thrillers continues - though, unlike the Feluda series, Byomkesh has a mature appeal only.